Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025

U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION: LIFEPAK 15 Monitor/Defibrillator service kits recall

Food and Drug Administration recently issued the following announcement. 

Date Initiated by Firm: February 01, 2019

Date Posted: February 26, 2019

Recall Status: Open, Classified

Recall Number: Z-0863-2019

Recall Event ID: 81939

510(K)Number: K142430  

Product Classification: Automated external defibrillators (non-wearable) - Product Code MKJ

Product: LIFEPAK 15 Monitor/Defibrillator service kits

Product Usage:

The LIFEPAK(R) 15 Monitor/defibrillator (LP15) is a complete acute cardiac care response system designed for basic life support (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS) patient management protocols. The LP15 monitor/defibrillator is intended for use by trained medical personnel in out-of-doors and indoor emergency care settings within the environmental conditions specified in the Operating Instructions. The LP15 monitor/defibrillator is designed to be used during ground transportation except when specified otherwise. Manual mode monitoring and therapy functions are intended for use on adult and pediatric patients. Automated external defibrillation mode is intended for use on patients eight years of age and older.

Code Information: Serial Numbers: 45902644 46103169 45987054 45953396 45483757 45477666 43251338 43251330 43251337 43251331 43251332 43258935 43258939 43258937 43228302 43228304 43228306 43232897 43233020 43232896 43232894 43247620 42916265 42806505 42798882 42798883 42798884 42792295 42798879 42792292 42792293 42792290 42769668 42769682 42769669 42769683 42769623 42769622 42769667 42682340 42682365 41927593 41927587 41927584 41927586 41927588 41927590 41917524 41909860 41909864 41909859 41917523 41909862 41917526 41909861 41909863 41704060 41675566 41675569 41675568 41675572 41675581 41675579 41664085 41664089 41659957 41280566 41280565 41271940 47605976 47605977 47605978 47605975 47452142 47154005 47153982 47154010 46713840 46713846 46650660 46549016 46549030 46383960 46185756 46185751 45709172 45274780 45084606 44910255 44898379 44825194 44825193 44778785 44778791 44778818 44778776 44534650 44483720 44186841 43817113 43817111 43562342 43562343 43562345 43562346 43294428 42977696 42977695 42721264 42718022 42716902 42585562 42192344 42181588 42037078 41808342 41798093 41436941 41279198 41279196 41279194 41279201 41279200 41278553 41278558 43985820 43964361 43314021 41271935 41271936 41271937 41271941 41271942 41271944 41271907 41271908 41271909 41271910 41271911 41271932 41271933 41271934 41271943 41271945 41271946 41271947 41271948 41271949 41271950 41271951 41691849 42962645 42962646 42962647 42962648 42962649 42962650 42962651 42962652 42962653 42962654 42962655 42962656 42962657 42962658 42962659 42962660 42962661 42962662 42948662 42408699 42408701 41895713 41899580 41899578 41899587 41899585 41899577 41899584 41899588 41899590 41899586 46103178 47741818 47741813 47708269 47708267 47708260 47671993 47688865 47631561 47671990 47501262 47452144 47501258 47501257 47520440 47520425 47520428 47520429 47520424 47485162 47485156 47485160 47485158 47485159 47458556 47458557 47452147 47452146 47421810 47385314 47421827 47421824 47421845 47367598 47225159 47225156 47325491 47325384 47030699 46885799 47153999 47030692 47030701 47030702 47082187 46934496 46987328 46934469 46863411 46863413 46885793 46832846 46832833 46832836 46832832 46832829 46885798 46849015 46741888 46741881 46741884 46650664 46650657 46549019 46440659 46359637 46383965 46359641 46344260 46340299 46308222 46345676 46306917 46185739 46185766 46185790 45987057 45953395 45953392 45953389 45953393 45867137 45867131 45867133 45867135 45867136 45867139 45867134 45867140 45867141 45867146 45808294 45808293 45709173 45709164 45629039 45629172 45628987 45617825 45617842 45617836 45617831 45617840 45617837 45617848 45617845 45617851 45617823 45513908 45513997 45511444 45450340 45450344 45408078 45397984 45408171 45408069 45397630 45397672 45397773 45394788 45358339 45384508 45391563 45358316 45347992 45304846 45274768 45255292 45255293 45255289 45199997 45208542 45156015 45156018 45084603 45084604 45049284 45049285 45049293 45049289 45049281 45049287 45035312 45037332 45030629 45030641 44913840 44910421 44898380 44885008 44847438 44825197 44825200 44845442 44847447 44847420 44845431 44847428 44846235 44768459 44778829 44755315 44755313 44761941 44761937 44761936 44755310 44581172 44581174 44581169 44581167 44581165 44534647 44483719 44527497 44527494 44527496 44527498 44527495 44483717 44483726 44483716 44361975 44356049 44314116 44307878 44307869 44307868 44307876 44307873 44307871 44290082 44290080 44290087 44290089 44290084 44290079 44290086 44290088 44228004 44228005 44228003 44224160 44224159 44224161 44157177 44186844 44186845 44186838 44186843 44186836 44186847 44186833 44186840 44186835 44186846 44186834 44186839 44186831 44157166 44143446 44143445 44143443 44090761 44090756 44090760 44090762 44045195 44045193 44036464 44031116 44031126 44031121 44031127 44036466 44036468 43964359 43964357 43969974 43922959 43887919 43887920 43864112 43838018 43838027 43838013 43838015 43838011 43838021 43838028 43838016 43838012 43838026 43838010 43820388 43764520 43764518 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42203215 42203217 42203221 42115550 42115551 42063151 42078033 42073128 42073129 42037085 41942950 42037074 41942952 41942966 41942967 41877804 41895718 41895716 41877801 41832621 41832623 41832630 41832626 41798090 41798095 41723670 41740281 41704061 41665247 41665250 41665330 41665251 41665329 41665254 41665249 41675571 41675573 41654331 41654330 41654333 41654329 41654332 41607082 41619313 41619315 41619316 41573122 41567126 41557198 41567121 41552589 41550379 41561835 41452878 41452879 41454022 41452883 41452882 41452881 41454740 41419508 41436940 41419512 41419507 41419513 41419505 41419516 41419514 41424070 41424068 41424069 41424067 41395142 41363627 41363626 41363628 41280562 41279211 41280568 41278564 41278662 41278556 41275459 41275471 41275465 41278550 41275462 41275464 41275463 41275470 41275461 41275460 41275472 46103190 45483885 45208561 44768465 44768463 44761940 44430795 44255035 44255033 43222880 46530629 45084593 44483715 44255036 44045191 43838008 43023203 41545340 47520441 47520419 47485157 47385308 47396039 47082188 47137309 46987329 46247442 46041261 45987051 45953404 45932816 45901317 44910140 43417517 41937337 41685647 47631554 42806503

Recalling Firm/Manufacturer: Physio-Control Inc

                                               11811 Willows Rd Ne Redmond WA 98052-2003

Manufacturer Reason: for RecallCertain LIFEPAK 15 Monitors/ Defibrillators were reported to experience a lockup condition after a shock was delivered. This condition is defined as a blank monitor display with LED lights on, indicating power on the device, but no response in keypad and device functions.

FDA Determined Cause: Software design

Action: Stryker sent an Urgent Medical Device Safety Notice & Correction Action Required letter dated February 1, 2019 to affected customers. The letter identified the affected product, problem and actions to be taken. The letter requested customers.

*Review the attached impacted device list. Go to to provide Stryker verification of the status of the devices listed.

*Upon confirmation of your device status, a member of our field service personnel will contact you to arrange for the correction of your device. The devices subject to this field action are planned to be serviced by December 31, 2019.

*If you have questions regarding this matter contact Customer Support team by calling 1 800 442 1142 and selecting option 7.

Quantity in Commerce: 682 kits

Distribution: Worldwide Distribution

Total Product Life Cycle: TPLC Device Report

Original source can be found here.

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